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Feast of Master Chef by Liu Kau-yin

by: Liu, Kau-yin

Hong Kong China: Forms Kitchen, an imprint of Forms Publications (HK) Co., Ltd. 2013, $48.00, Paperback
ISBN: 978-9888-8178-96-4

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2014 Issue: 21(2) page(s): 21 - 22

This volume is in Chinese with English recipe translations at its rear. It has six banquet menus with eight dishes in each for different seasons and different occasions. Carefully worded instructions are provided for each ingredient and any advance preparation needed. So are 'tricks' as the author calls the clever hints provided for ease of preparation.

The book begins with four essential condiments for the Chinese kitchen. They are chopped garlic, ginger juice with wine, dried Chinese black mushrooms, and Jinhua ham. Each is used in the banquet sets called Summer Feast, Autumn Feast, another for Winter, and another for Spring. There are two others, one for an Abundant New Year Dinner, another a Fresh Vegetarian Feast.

The author, also uses his English name which is Alvin. He was a master chef in Hong Kong and elsewhere for thirty years and is now retired. He also did duty as a Chinese cuisine cookery tutor at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, and other outstanding professional things. He has published many cookbooks, and writes for several newspapers and magazines.
Fried Shrimp Stuffed with Shanghai Bok Choy
1/2 pound shrimp, peeled, their veins removed and both discarded, then finely mince the shrimp
3 and 1 Tablespoons cornstarch, separated
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1/3 teaspoon ground white pepper
1 whole and 1/2 egg white, separated
10 Shanghai bok choy
1/4 cup corn kernels
2 Tablespoons diced carrot
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 cup chicken stock
1. Mix shrimp with the three tablespoons cornstarch, then rinse and dry them with paper towels.
2. Stir shrimp until sticky,, then mix in the corn kernels, carrot, bouillon powder, sesame oil, ground white pepper, and the remaining egg white.
3. Blanch the bok choy (now spelled bok cai) for two minutes, dry it, then cut each in half making a small depression for the stuffing at the root end. Coat the inside with the half tablespoon of cornstarch, and then stuff each one with a small mound of the stuffing.
2 Heat a wok or fry pan, add the vegetable oil, then put the stuffed vegetable stuffing side down, and fry over low heat for two minutes, add the stock, cover, and simmer for two more minutes.
4. Put the cooked stuffed bok choy on a platter, pour some of the sauce over it, and serve.

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