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Steamed Three Eggs


Steamed Three Eggs
3 salted eggs
3 thousand-year eggs, exterior black materials removed, and washed
3 fresh eggs
1 teaspoon Chinese rice wine
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1. Wash, then peel salted eggs. Using chop sticks or two knives, break up the yolk into small pieces. Wash and peel the thousand year egg, and dice into half-inch pieces. Mix these two eggs together in a bowl.
2. Beat the fresh eggs, and mix them into the bowl with the other two sets of eggs. Add the rice wine and salt, and mix again.
3. Use the sesame oil to coat a glass loaf pan, and pour out any excess and mix in with the eggs; then pour them into this pan and cover with plastic wrap.
4. Put in a microwave oven, and cook on medium for ten to fifteen minutes or until set. Then slice pieces about one-quarter inch thick, plate them, and then serve.
Note: The egg mixture can be baked in a 300 degree oven or placed in a steamer over boiling water; both need about the same amount of cooking time.

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