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Beef in Casserole


Beef in Casserole
3 pounds beef ribs
3 Tablespoons vegetable oil
2 teaspoons Sichuan peppercorns, crushed
3 scallions, cut in one-inch pieces
1 Tablespoon fresh ginger, cut in thin strips
3 star anise
1 two-inch stick cinnamon, crushed into small pieces
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
5 Tablespoons cornstarch mixed with two tablespoons cold water
2 cups cooked wide wheat noodles
2 Tablespoons goji berries

1. Boil beef for one hour in six cups of water, remove and strain the liquid and discard the bones.
2. Cut meat into two inch cubes discarding any grizzle or fat and return the meat to the liquid.
3. Add peppercorns, scallion pieces, ginger, star anise. Cinnamon pieces and the sugar and simmer for two more hours.
4.Stir then add the cornstarch mixture, and bring to the boil, then turn off the heat source, add the noodles and goji berries, pour into a pre-heated large bowl, and serve.

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