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Lotus Leaf Surprise

Holiday and Celebration Foods

Lotus Leaf Surprise
2 cups glutinous rice
1 pound boneless chicken thigh, cut into half inch cubes
2 shiitake mushrooms, soaked, stem removed and diced same size as the chicken
2 Tablespoons rice wine
3 Tablespoons dark soy sauce
2 Tablespoons fresh ginger
2 Tablespoons lotus flour
6 lotus leaves, soaked in tepid water for half an hour
1. Cook the glutinous rice in three cups water for half an hour, then drain and set rice aside until you can handle it.
2. Mix chicken, mushrooms, rice wine, soy sauce, ginger, and lotus four and set aside for half an hour.
3. Using one leaf, put one half cup of rice in the center, flatten it and add one quarter of the chicken and liquid in the center of it, then covering it with another half cup of rice; be sure chicken is sealed inside the rice.
4. Turn the sides of the leaf in over the rice, and then roll the leaf the long way until all the lotus leaf is enclosing and wrapped around the rice. Set package down on the side where the seam is placing it on the bottom of a steamer basket. Cover the steamer and steam over boiling water for one hour. Serve.

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