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TOPICS INCLUDE: Error found about numbering; The Chinese use of cupping; The mooncake exhibition at Stony Brook University; Historical Chinese food; Needing an English-language map of Hangzhou

by Jacqueline M. Newman

Letters to the Editor

Winter Volume: 2014 Issue: 21(4) page(s): 6

To the EDITOR, from HARRY:
Assume you are aware of the error on page 28 in Volume 21(1) about where the Chinese place their comma in numbers one thousand and ten thousand. You did attempt to do failed doing.
HARRY: Our apologies, and yes, and we have egg on our face, so to speak. In trying to clarify things, we muddied the waters. What is correct is that Americans and other world folk put a single comma between/after every three numbers one thousand or more, as follows: 1,000, 1,001, etc. If the number is ten thousand, we write it 10,000, while the Chinese write it as 1,0000. If the number is one million, westerners write it 1,000,000 and the Chinese write that number as 100,0000. Note: they use the comma after four zeros, westerners do so after three zeros. Our apologies for that, and do ignore the second paragraph in the first page in the article abut eggs.

From PEONY via E-MAIL:
Do the Chinese use cupping, and if so why and when?
PEONY: Called bahuoguan in Chinese, yes, they do. In English many call them ‘suction cups.’ They are ancient, and used to draw pus from the body. Thousands of years ago they were made of pieces of animal horns. They were heated and put on an inflamed location or on one of the twelve channels that run vertically in the human body. To the best of our knowledge, an inflammation can have something to do with food, cupping does not.

Seven of your Moon Cake molds are on view until August in this monthly show titled: Chinese Moon Cakes & Wooden Molds. Thank you for your contribution. After this show, others can see them if they request a viewing needing to contact Kristen Nytray at the library’s Special Collections area and make arrangements to do so.
JIN: Many have called, written, or e-mailed us about this, your mini-exhibition. We thank you for sharing them on that wall at University''s Wang Center. An overview of some of them, and the photo you sent us of the: Explore History: Objects From Asia display is on this page.

From KIM via e-mail:
Discovered Flavor and Fortune while looking for pre-Yuan Chinese recipes. I very much enjoyed reading the articles in this maggazine about historical Chinese food; and I will be sending in a subscription. I am a historical re-enactor, and my friends and I are interested in creating a Chinese New Year feast that is as historically accurate as we can make it, within our cost constraints, of course. We are aiming for food from the Song Dynasty, but earlier recipes would also work for our purposes. I found your articles “Song Dynasty and its Foods” and “Han Dynasty Foods” both quite helpful. Are their other articles or books relevant to our topic? Thanks for your time, and for sponsoring such a fascinating resource.
KIM: We thank you for your compliments and hope you will be able to borrow the Imitation of Song-style Dishes in Bagualou Restaurant in Hangzhou, China by Xu Hu Hairong, Zheng Ensheng, and Yang Xiaoping. Check where copies exist searching the www.worldcat.org. The one at the Stony Brook Special Collections area is one donated there. If all else fails, you can call their fantastic Special Collections librarian, Kristen Nytray and ask for that list of recipes. After you historical meal we would love to know how it went, with pictures. We will print them in an upcoming issue.

Enjoyed learning more about Hangzhou. It is on my list of places to visit in China next year. However, I can not locate a good map in English of the lake area. Can you help?
HOWARD: So far, you are one of three asking for this map. Here it is; and we wish you a wonderful trip. We are jealous of your trip and the intedned meal at Lou Wai Lou; enjoy it for us, too.

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