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Food For Thought

by Jacqueline M. Newman

Dear Reader

Summer Volume: 2017 Issue: 24(2) page(s): 4

Dear Reader:

This second issue in our twenty-fourth year continues with more articles in the close to one hundred issues to date. All together, there have been more than nine hundred articles, nearly five hundred book reviews, almost three hundred restaurant reviews, and better than two thousand recipes written by more than one hundred forty different authors.

If there are Chinese food items you want to know about, do tell us so we can address your personal interests. In this issue read about chopsticks, bird’s nests, duck, and many more foods, festivals, and minority folk. In addition, check out the eight book reviews, five about the food culture; three are cookbooks. We also share a restaurant new to us. Its chef has thirty years of experience in China in Beijing Duck restaurants, and since coming to the US has been cooking Chinese dishes for Americans. His English is good enough for us to learn not only from his food, but now also from what he says. Read the Letters to the Editor column, it is longer than usual and with more recipes, looks at a jade burial suit, Chinese food in Japan, and tree oil.

The Blang minority are discussed in an article, but we need help locating some of their recipes. The web and all five thousand plus Chinese cookbooks we donated to Stony Brook University have none. If you know any do share and we in turn will share with our readers. This issue also has an article, our fourth in the continuing series about fruits. It will not be the last. Also look and learn about Guangzhou and its Cantonese cuisine in these pages. Do enjoy them all and those slated for future issues.

The Editor,

Jacqueline M. Newman

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