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TOPICS INCLUDE: Corban Holiday, Hu Ssu-hui, Earliest Soy History, Deguines, Bai PeopleLetters to the Editor
Winter Volume: 2017 Issue: 24(4) pages: 5 to 6
Can you share something about the Corban holiday
in China including how long it has been celebrated
there, who celebrates it, etc?
To Whomever: With no name, we are unsure who
sent this, and recently did receive a question close to
yours about this Muslim holiday introduced to China in
about the 7th century CE. Now celebrated by about one quarter
of China’s minority populations on the tenth day
of the tenth month of their Lunar calendar, eighteen or
more million Chinese minority folk may be doing so in
various ways including, in alphabetic order, the Baoan,
Dongxiang, Hui, Kazak, Sala, Tajik, Uzbek, and Uygur
people. That is, if they want to. They might slaughter a
sheep, a cow, or a camel, and roast it for their family and
any guests. Young folk might come and eat with their
family and then go to dance into the night. Elders might
eat then go to a Mosque to exchange holiday greetings
and/or worship. Editor:
What can you tell us about the Yuan Court person
who wrote a cookbook in the early 1330’s?
To Whomever: We think you mean Hu Ssu-hui
(spelled several ways). He was a ‘nutritionist’ so-called,
though that word did not exist then. He did write about
foods that are good for the body and the mind. This Turkic
fellow wrote in Chinese, and his book was translated by
Drs. Paul Buell and E.N. Anderson into English. They titled it
Necessary Knowledge of Drinking and Feasting. About the
Mongol elite, it includes Turkic, Chinese, Kashmiri, Persian,
Mongolian, Sinkiang, people’s recipes and thoughts popular
in Northwest China at the time of its original publication
which you dated correctly. These culinary worlds did meet
at the court and thanks to that, we learn that few vegetables
were used, there is a fondness for meat and lots of onions
and cabbage, also other Brassica vegetables, melons and
fruits. In an article, Dr. Anderson once gave a talk at the
6th Symposium in 1999 in Fuzhou on Chinese Dietary
Culture where I first learned about this translation. He
detailed a lot about their bi-lingual Chinese/English volume.
We suggest you consult it as we have on many occasions.
It is a valuable way to learn many details about foods of
those times. Speaking of this book, Anderson did say it
shows considerable “cultural complexity from these many
years ago” and that “meat was obviously important on the
menu.” He mentions wheat, barley, sheep, goats, lentils,
and chickpeas as early domesticates....pigs and cattle, too,
and that rice was widely and intensively cultivated before
6,000 BCE. This translation is the best and most detailed
look at food in Northwest China when it was written. Gloria of New York asks:
What was the earliest use of the soy bean, soy sauce,
and/or soy paste?
Gloria: The earliest archeological evidence we
found was of soybeans in the Han Tomb at Mawangdui
near Changsha in the Hunan Province. This is in southcentral
China and in a tomb sealed in 165 BCE, opened in
1972 CE. We once did see a comment that soy beans did
exist in 200 BCE as fermented black soybeans that looked
shriveled and soft and had some small salt crystals on
them. They may have been made in a multi-step process
cooked then inoculated with Aspergillus oryzare mold
and put in salt water for about half a year before being
used. They were first written about by Sima Qian who
said they did ferment in one thousand earthenware
vessels circa 90 BCE; are mentioned earlier in 173 BCE as
one of the necessities of life along with firewood, rice,
salt, fermented black beans, and cooking utensils. He
says they are included in the 40 BCE volume titled The
Handy Dictionary for Urgent Use which was written by
Shi You. In 1596 CE, these and soy sauce are detailed
in Li Shizen’s Bencao Gangmu, Great Pharmacopoeia.
The Washington Post newspaper, in 1884 CE, did write
about “salted black beans”, and a chronology from the
SoyInfo Center advises from an article by Wong Ching
Too in the: Brooklyn Eagle, a newspaper, that in 1960
the term ‘fermented black soybeans’ was first used
by Mimie Ouie in her cookbook: The Art of Chinese
Cooking. Perhaps the best early history of these beans
is in Joseph Needham’s Science and Civilization in
China, Volume 6, Biology and Biological Technology.
Part V: Fermentations and Food Science. That volume
is by H.T. Huang and he says they are botanically known
as Glycine max. That book is available in many libraries
that have good computer access. From Henlee of Butte Montana:
Just read about Deguines who discovered America. Do
you know about him/her, and can you advise?
Henlee: Deguines was a French scholar who did
spark a controversy in about 1761. So did Professor
Neumann (no relative) in 1841. Both said a Chinese
Buddhist monk named Hoei-Shin, also spelled Hu-Shen,
journeyed some seven thousand miles to the coast of
America in 499 CE with other monks. Deguines said
the same. They said he made his way to a huge canyon
that had bands of color along its sides (maybe the Grand
Canyon) and crossed rivers (some speculate they could
reach Mexico and Mayan civilization). We once read that
since some stones with holes had been from this trip,
they could have been Chinese man-made ship anchors.
There are Mayan artifacts that do look similar to Chinese
ones. Other researchers did say America was peopled
with folks from Asia getting there using a Bering Straits
land-bridge. One chap, named Faber, in 1992 did write
that America was peopled from North to South migrations
from Asia; and that this Buddhist monk sailed to Fusang
in 499 CE. That name is of a succulent plant found there
which could be agave. He also writes about threads made
from bark that are made into cloth and lots of copper,
gold, and silver jewelry, perhaps Mayan. A 1997 article
in the November Scientific America discusses an
archaeological site in Zimbabwe abandoned in the 1400s
that had Ming Dynasty celedon dishes (which could be
related to China). Another researcher notes that long
distance ship travel did reach both US coasts as prevailing
winds helped them do so. Yet another says Columbus
was not the first to discover the New World. His proof
that Chinese and Japanese artifacts mixed with Native
American ones on the way to Peru, and that Russian
scientists claim Asian geographers did have knowledge of
the Americas in 1500 BCE. A Dr. McKensie also writes that
early explorers did say that Japanese survivors married
Indian women, and they tell legends about immigrants
from Asia in The China Syndrome. There is information
in Archeology showing Chinese steel blades in Alaska;
pottery from China in Ecuador; and Charles Boland writes
in They all Discovered America, saying voyagers to the
New World came in four categories: 1) Those who came
and then settled in America, 2) Those who visited and
left, 3) Those who arrived accidentally, and 4) Those who
are missionaries. Jackson, another writer, points out that
China and Mexico both use sky-dragons, have complex
and somewhat similar rain-making ceremonies, and both
use jade in their grave markers. Diodorus of Sicily in
the 1st century BCE writes that Phoenicians sail along the
west cast of Africa and could be blown off course arriving
at an island finding more than a thousand stones with
markings. These stones are now in Harrisburg PA in the
State Museum. They do have Chinese-type markings.
This is only some of the evidence of these Chinese
connections. Many can be checked the Pine Street
Foundation’s web site titled; Did the Chinese Discover
Elvyne in Shanghai asks:
Any knowledge about the Bai ethnic minority
including how many and where most of them live?
Elvyne: Most of this ethnic minority live in the Dali
Bai Autonomous County in the Yunnan Province. Their
minority language is part of the Sino-Tibetan language
family, and they do very artistic painting, do laquer
work, and making gifts we might call ‘crafts.’ Many
are very creative as can be seen in their homes, their
communities with gate towers and screens fronting
their courts with gables colorful with beautiful wood
carvings under them, flowers blooming year-round in
front of them. As to your other query, according to the
2010 Chinese census, more than two million Bai live
in that province’s Dali Bai Autonomous County, others
near Erhai Lake at the foot of Cangshan Mountain in
Xizhou. We read this is the capital of Yi Mou Xin; but
never located it on a map; can you? One other thing,
Bai people love spicy foods and cured cold ones; they
eat lots of fish, and those at higher elevations prefer
corn as their main staple while those closer to sea level
enjoy rice as theirs; and all of them like fish with their
rice. Do you know their name means ‘white’ and Bai
women often wear something white. The Soy Info Center Advises:
I admire you for continuing your periodical—being
productive and useful each day. Thank you for writing
such a terrific review of our book History of Soybeans
and Soyfoods in China. H.T. Huang would have been
pleased as well. You are welcome to publish it in Flavor
and Fortune. Do you realize that China now imports
more soybeans than all other countries combined, a
dramatic shift from before World War II when China
and Manchuria were the word’s leading exporters?
This new policy is designed to conserve water, and
enable Chinese to eat more pork, fish, and poultry. We
think China can import soybeans at lower cost than it
can grow them domestically. |