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Newman's News and NotesConferences, Meetings, Announcements, and Reports
Winter Volume: 1995 Issue: 2(4) page(s): 13
Allow me to report on the Second Plenary Conference of the World Association of Chinese Cuisine and accompanying Food Exposition held in Toronto in October, 1995. This second world gathering, the first held in Beijing four years ago, drew several thousand to the food exposition, less than two hundred to the technical sessions and forums, and several hundred to their several banquets. Helen Chen (daughter of Joyce Chen and president of the company that bears her late mother's name), and I met at the expo; we toured and tasted some wonderful offerings, a few less so, and laughed and learned. We also marveled at the beautiful carvings and other talented Chinese food arts displayed there. Helen attended the Wednesday Technical Forum, I went to the one on Friday. We were both disappointed that most of the papers presented were in Chinese, mostly printed in Chinese, too. Over two dozen were presented only twenty-one published, and three of these in English. Four were actually given in English including: 'Happy Wokking A Wok on the Right Side' and 'The Trend of Chinese Restaurant Food: From a Chef's Viewpoint' both by Charles Tang, and 'Beancurd: History of an Ancient Protein Source' and 'Nutrient Analysis of Chinese Foods: Problems and Practices' both by yours truly. Meeting and sharing common interests and expertise with counterparts in China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Canada were the highlights, as was seeing and eating some great Chinese food. One exciting idea that came out of this conference was the notion of having a World College of Chinese Cuisine; financing is now being explored, and it will probably be located in Toronto. More on that as the plans materialize. There will be a CULTURAL ABC'S conference about diversity in FAMILY, FASHION, FITNESS, & FOOD sponsored by the Home Economics Department of Queens College CUNY in cooperation with the Institute for the Advancement of the Science and Art of Chinese Cuisine on April 19, 1996, plans are progressing nicely. Suggest you call (718) 997-4150 or FAX (718) 997-4163 for a registration form. Do so quickly in case it will be oversold. Jessica Harris and Reynaldo Alejandro, published experts on Black and Philippine foods and families, respectively, will be keynote speakers. They will address cultural diversity within populations and explore differences in food, fashion and families. The afternoon will be devoted to food topics and as an example of the offerings, a researcher will report on the Chinese minority population called 'Uygur' and their and other countries' bagels. New York and Eastern European ones, too. There will be many other great presentations so do save the day and come! The entire day's event is only $20.00. A fantastic Chinese banquet will follow it at 7:00 p.m., that cost is just $35.00. This will culminate the conference and feature Peking Duck, a lovely lobster dish, Black Pepper scallops and many other fantastic foods; the banquet will be held at a nifty new restaurant in Queens. So ask for a registration form and the proposed menu; and do join us for both. This conference, the second major effort of the above two groups, follows and builds on the success of the 1994 Chinese Cuisine and the American Palate Symposium. If you were unable to get to that event, sign up early for this one, it may also be oversubscribed. |