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Food For Thought

by Jacqueline M. Newman

Dear Reader

Winter Volume: 2018 Issue: 25(4) page(s): 2

Dear Reader: Here is someone I model myself on, namely Greg Skedros, who for more than forty years keeps people loving Chinese food. Three years older than I am, his restaurant is more than forty years and going strong. He is still at its helm, going to work daily, as I do. We know this magazine is a baby in comparison. This is the last issue of its 25th year; the next issue will be the 100th issue.

Photo by Adam Finkle, taken from Salt Lake Tribune

Greg learned what his customers wanted and continues to provide it. They clamor for his food and he has chefs from China providing it. We provide a similar pleasure, but you need to cook and taste the recipes in this magazine. I did have cohorts who loved Chinese food and writing about it. With their help, they wrote more than one hundred articles, many also tested many of the recipes. I researched and wrote more than one thousand articles, more than two thousand recipes, tried more than five hundred restaurants (including his), more than three hundred Chinese cookbooks, and more.

My family is about half the size of his; they have with no desire nor expertise to continue my efforts; and I have not been able to inspire or hire those that can and will. His legacy is more than forty years and continuing. His family keeps it going. My efforts will not unless someone steps up to the plate. Though younger than he is at 89 years young, I am near there and slowing down more than he was.

When I began, I did not think I could even write and edit all that I have. It is more than a thousand articles, just over one hundred written by others. Greg is at his restaurant in Utah, specifically in Bountiful; and for those wanting to enjoy the Chinese food there, call for driving instructions (802) 298-2405. If you never saw it, it looks like those in the Forbidden City. Many of the dishes taste like those served near it.

We were in Bountiful once years ago, Greg has been in New York and in China many times. This pharmacist who learned and loves Chinese food is a great Chinese restauranteur. We were off to China for our 17th trip, and the 8th Asian Food Conference. Maybe there we will find someone to continue our editing and writing efforts. Do keep Flavor and Fortune, the only English-language Chinese food magazine in the US, moving forward after we no longer can.

The Editor,

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