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Food For Thought

by Jacqueline M. Newman

Dear Reader

Winter Volume: 2019 Issue: 26(4) page(s): 2

Dear Reader:

This fourth issue of our twenty-sixth year of this quarterly Chinese food magazine is still the only Chinese food magazine published in English in the US. With many Chinese restaurants in virtually every town, more than one in every city, we wonder why only one English-language magazine about this cuisine. Wish there were more competitors so English-speakers could learn more about it. If you have ideas or articles to educate them, do submit them for our consideration.

This very issue has articles about scallops, Taiwan, China’s early Chinese food history, their dietary advice, and so much more. Past issues brought subscriber comments that deserve our thanks for the many they sent us about belly pork. We do wonder how many bought and tried it?

In this issue are our thoughts about Woks and Chinese Cookware; the Xia Dynasty; Herbal Medical information, two new Chinese restaurants and other items. Seems readers never tire of trying all the eating places we write about. We hope they make and enjoy the recipes, too.

An additional thanks are due to those sending kind words about using the complete web site at: www.flavorand fortune.com. And, one last thank you for kind kudos subscribers and press send us on assorted issues; we appreciate them, suggestions, too.

As we look forward to the next issue, our one hundred and fifth, all we can say is: WOW. We still need a replacement for this editor. As far no offers in that arena, yet we are aging into the end of our editorial rope; so it is: Help! Help! Help!

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