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Asian Food Information: Print Sources
ResourcesSummer Volume: 2000 Issue: 7(2) page(s): 11 and 30 In this issue of Flavor & Fortune, we continue to look at sources of information about Asian cookery and cuisine focusing mainly on print and sources other than electronic. They are in the following categories: Magazines and Journals, Books, Libraries, Bookstores, Commercial (Trade Groups and Importers), and Governmental. While some are not specifically Chinese, their Asian focus provides background of interest and use to the student of Chinese gastronomy. This limited list is not conclusive. When you find others, do share then with me and other Flavor and Fortune readers.
Flavors of Asia; Asian Attic, Inc.; 8 Briarwood Terrace; Albany, NY 12203 The New Asia Cuisine Scene; 102F Pasir Panjang Road; 05 06 Citilink Complex; Singapore 118530; phone: 011 65 4522767 or fax: 011 65 2342945. Their email address is: heritage@singnet.com.sg BOOKS: Chang, Kwang Chih, editor. Food in Chinese Culture: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977. Herklots, Geoffrey Alton Craig. Vegetables in South East Asia. New York, Hafner Press, 1972. Hirota, Dennis, editor. Wind in the Pines: Classic Writings of the Way of Tea as a Buddhist Path. Fremont, California: Asian Humanities Press, 1995. Khare, R. S., and Rao, M.S.A., editors. Food, Society and Culture: Aspects in South Asian Food Systems. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 1986. Lai, T.C. Chinese Food for Thought. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Book Centre, 1978. Lin, Hsiang Ju. Chinese Gastronomy. New York: Pyramid, 1972. Newman, Jacqueline M. Chinese Cookbooks: An Annotated English Language Compendium/Bibliography. New York and London: Garland Publishing Co., 1987. Passmore, Jacki. The Encyclopedia of Asian Food and Cooking. New York: Hearst Books, 1991. Sen, Soshistsu X.V. with Dixon, M.V., translator. The Japanese Way of Tea: From Its Origins in China to Sen Rikyu. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1998. Solomon, Charmaine and Nina Solomon. Charmaine Solomon's Encyclopedia of Asian Food. Boston: Periplus Editions, 1991. LIBRARIES WITH EXTENSIVE GASTRONOMIC MATERIALS: Johnson and Wales College Library; Hospitality Center; 1150 Narragansett Boulevard; Cranston, RI 02905. Phone: (401) 456 1174; website: Los Angeles Public Library; 630 West Fifth Street; Los Angeles, CA 90071. Phone: (213) 228 7200 or 7000 or fax: (213) 228 7209; telnet: pac.lapl.org library catalog, Login: none needed; website:www.carl.org:1080 library catalog; also read about their culinary holdings at:
www.lapl.org/central/food New York Public Library, Science and Technology Research Center; Fifth Avenue at 42nd Street, Room 121; New York, NY 10018. Phone: (212) 930 0574; telnet: nyplgate.nypl.org or Their library catalog login: username is: nypl, the password is also nypl Rare Book and Special Collections Division; Library of Congress; Thomas Jefferson Building, Room 204; Washington, DC 20540. Phone: (202) 707 2016 (contact Rob Sheilds) or fax: (202) 707 4142; website: lcweb.loc.gov/harvest/ query:lc.html/library catalog University of California University Libraries, Special Collections; University of California, Davis; Davis, CA 95616. Phone: (916) 752 1621 or 6176; website: lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/melvyl.html library catalog The Culinary Institute of America; 433 Albany Post Road; Hyde Park, NY 12538 1499. Phone: (914) 452 1322 (contact Gert Tranl) or fax: (914) 452 8629; website: www.ciachef.edu/Library/lredirect.html library catalog SPECIALIZED BOOKSTORES: COMMERCIAL SOURCES (Trade Groups and Importers): American Asean Trade Council; American Association of S. E. Asian Nations; 320 East 79th Street; New York, NY 10021. Phone: (212) 249 2059 Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center; Box 42
Shanhua Tainan 741; Taiwan ROC. Phone: 011 886 6 583 7801 or fax: 011 886 6 583 0009; also e-mail: terry@netra.arvdc.org.tw their website: www.avrdc.org.tw Association of Chinese Cooking Teachers; c/o Martin Yan''s Cooking School; 1064 G Shell Boulevard; Foster City, CA 94404. e-mail: anusasanananl@sunsetpub.com China Pacific Foods, Inc.; 15672 Container Lane; Huntington Beach, CA 92649 1533. Phone: (714) 891 6639 Hong Kong Trade Development Council; 219 East 46th Street; New York, NY 10017. Phone: (212) 838 8688 Kwok Shing Import/Export, Inc.; 1818 Harrison Street; San Francisco, CA 94103 4231. Phone: (415) 661 1668 Seasia; 4601 Sixth Avenue South; Seattle, WA 98108. Phone: (206) 624 6380 Taiwan Trade Center; 420 Fifth Avenue, 28th Floor; New York, NY 10019. Phone: (212) 730 4466 Wah Young Company; 717 19 South King Street; Seattle, WA 98104. Phone: (206) 622 4338 Wei Chuan USA, Inc.; 6655 South Garfield Avenue; Bell Gardens, CA 90201. Phone: (213) 587 6241 Wing Sing Chong Company, Inc.; 685 Seventh Street; San Francisco, CA 94103 Phone: (415) 552 1234 |
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