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About the Publisher
About this magazineFall Volume: 1994 Issue: 1(1) page(s): 3 THE INSTITUTE FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF CHINESE CUISINE was conceived and established in the early 1990's in response to the growing interest in Chinese food and the need for collaboration between professionals, as well as the public at large. Its purpose is to become a source of information about the scientific and artistic significance of Chinese and other Asian foods and cultures. ITS MISSION AND GOALS ARE: -To encourage exchange of ideas and information about all aspects of the science and art of Chinese cuisine -To foster the study of foods, herbs, cuisine, customs, habits, nutrition, diet, health, medical issues, history, and technology -To consult, advise, and in other ways assist individuals and groups, corporations, associations, government agencies, and private individuals interested in similar objectives -To serve as an umbrella group and promote dialog on a wide range of topics related to Chinese and related Asian cuisines -To develop and publish books and media, reports, and periodicals relating to this subject, starting with the development of a quarterly publication titled: FLAVOR AND FORTUNE The Board of Directors: Chair: Dr. Austin H. Kutscher, President, American Institute of Life Threatening Illness & Loss Scientific Director: Dr. Ivan Goldberg, M.D. Director of the New York Psychopharmacologic Institute Marketing Director: Joe Sing, creator and marketer of product advances in Chinese foodstuffs Business Manager: Charles F. Tang, restauranteur, Host of Cable television's "Mandarin Wok" Vice-Chair and Editorial Director: Dr. Jacqueline M. Newman, Professor and Graduate Program Director, Home Economics Department, Queens College-CUNY Test Kitchen Directors: Wonona & Irving Chang, M.S. Advertising Direstor: Douglas Gon Financial Officer: Keith Wang, C.P.A. Publications Manager: Roberta Halporn, M.A., and Director, Center for Thanatolgy Research |
Flavor and Fortune is a magazine of:![]() Copyright © 1994-2025 by ISACC, all rights reserved Address 3 Jefferson Ferry Drive S. Setauket NY 11720 |