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San Francisco's Menus, Culinary and Cultural

by Jacqueline M. Newman


Winter Volume: 2005 Issue: 12(4) page(s): 25, 26, 27, and 33

Four restaurants were reviewed in an article titled: San Francisco's Menus, culinary and Cultural. The restaurants, though they did appear in that article, on this website are posted individually, so connect and consult each one in Restaurant reviews. They are (in alphabetical order): Brandy Ho's, Chef Jia's, Koi Palace, and Mon Kiang. Now on to the rest of that article, the cultural food for the brain.

Yes, San Francisco also feeds the mind. We warmed hearts and mind near the mentioned park near Mon Kiang, then after eating, we went to the Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco; 750 Kearny Street (3rd floor); San Francisco CA 94108. It is across the way, basically at one end of the park with easy access by bridge into the very floor needed.

Here, minds are fed, as they can be for those visiting their web-site. Check it out as the exhibits change frequently at www.c-c-c.org

Visiting in person means reading and reveling in their tiny bookstore's offerings. We always buy several items there, books and a few gifts, while visiting there.

Then we walk, nay, hiked all the way to the Asian Art Museum; 200 Larken Street: San Francisco CA; phone: (415) 581-3500. Like many cultural places in many cities, this and several others are closed on Mondays. If not a walker, do not be dismayed, take a bus or a taxi. By bus, ask for and head for the Civic Center, this museum is just across the street. We did hike and arrived just before they opened at 10:00 am.

Not knowing what we would find as this was our first visit to this cultural gem, we came upon its gorgeous building. The exhibits were equally fine; as was the bookstore. It is loaded with many good things, and as always, no matter how many items we already own, there are things to acquire. By some time a bit later than noon, after walking to and walking through this magnificent facility's exhibits, we were ready for a bus back to Chinatown.

It was a short bus ride and we were at the Chinese Historical Society of America's Museum and Learning Center; in San Francisco's Chinatown; 965 Clay Street; phone: (415) 391-1188. This place is not new. It was established in 1963, and moved to their current digs in 2001. Want to know about the Chinese in America? This is the place. There are changing exhibits, and a staff that helps with any and all questions. And, there is a tiny booksore behind the registration desk.

The only other fine facility to do that is is on the other coast and in New York. It is called The Museum of the Chinese in America and is on Mulberry Street at the corner of Mott (and preparing to move to 215 Centre Street, some blocks away).

Visiting many museums in one day can be an overload. It is so much to digest. The ones in San Francisco feature things Chinese from China, the Chinese in the USA, and the third, which was the first one mentioned above, has changing exhibits and events about either or both. These perspectives are well worth your effort.

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