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All Asia Food Expo Report

by Jacqueline M. Newman

Conferences, Meetings, Announcements, and Reports

Spring Volume: 2005 Issue: 12(1)

THIS REPORT WAS INADVERTENTLY OMITTED From Volume 12(1); its intention to accompany the Top 100 Chinese Restaurants report; and they can be seen on this website. Yes, October 26 and 27 were heady days. We and thousands of others attended the first ever 'All Asia Food Expo' at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan. It was on during the day, and in the evening of that first day, was a banquet and the presentations to the winning Top 100 Chinese Restaurants in the USA. They are listed separately at this website.

On day one, things began with a free keynote address by Phil Lempert, the Supermarket Guru. There were more than half a dozen others, cooking demonstrations, and more. And each day ended when one could climb aboard one of many buses to Chinatown, thanks to the World Journal. There was so much to see, hear, and savor, with items shared by the more than a hundred exhibitors. They shared wares and wonders, and generously gave tastes of their foods and beverages. These terrific items were samples of what is soon coming from local, national, or international companies.

We plan to attend in 2005 when the second All Asian Food Expo returns a month earlier. Yes, it will be in the same place, but will be in September 2005. Many exhibitors were so excited and gratified by the turnout, they signed up for booths for next years event. They do not want to be left out, and you should not miss it either. For particulars, check out www.allasiafood.div.com

On the first evening, after some fine Chinese tray-served snack foods, there was a banquet where the Top 100 Chinese Restaurants in the USA were announced and honored. The Editor-in-chief and the Associate Editor of Flavor and Fortune were also honored. They greeted the honored eateries in attendance, helped hand out certificates, a trophy cup, some food gifts, and were there to congratulate them. These top restaurants were selected by Chinese Restaurant News and a panel of folk considered most knowledgeable about Chinese food.

The honored winners are listed alphabetically in the hard copy of Volume 12(1) and separately on this website. We plan to eat in as many as we can in the coming year. In addition, we look forward to learning about nominees and winners in 2005.

Special thanks to Chinese Restaurant News for initiating and supporting this grand endeavor. Also thanks to the Bank of America and the other sponsors, advertisers, exhibitors, and all who attended the Expo and the awards ceremony and banquet. See you there next year

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