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On Chinese Menus Worldwide

by Jacqueline M. Newman

Chinese Restaurant General Information

Summer Volume: 2009 Issue: 16(2) page(s): 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 30

Chinese restaurants in New York and London are expanding, new ones come, older ones update their menus and facilities. Good thing, because more people are eating Chinese food in restaurants than ever before be it in the United States or in any other major city in the world.

Chinese restaurants are getting bigger and better, hiring more chefs from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore; and becoming more sophisticated. Below are many comments about them in New York City, London, and further afield. As people travel more, we have expanded our discussion of eateries worth visiting.

This issue looks at Chinese restaurants in the United States, specifically East coast ones in Manhattan and Queens, some over the pond in London as the Brits like to call the ocean, others in the small resort town of Annecy, and in Switzerland¡¯s big city, Geneva. Future issues will explore others closer to home and far afield. The Chinese dining scene from dim sum through dinner is expanding, their regional food feeding facilities expanding with more places to indulge our love for this cuisine.

Do check out the restaurants individually, in the Restaurants Reviews section in 2009. In New York City, two are in Manhattan, three in Queens. The others are in Europe, four in London, three in Switzerland, and one in France.

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