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Chinese Dietetic Culture Journal and Website

by Professor Zhao Rongguang


Spring Volume: 2009 Issue: 16(1) page(s): 37

Respected scholars and all interested in Chinese food culture at home and abroad including academicians, students and staff at cooking, tourism, technical and vocational schools, those at tourism bureaus, libraries, cuisine and/or hotel associations, entrepreneurs from catering businesses, and all interested in Chinese food culture, note that the Chinese Dietetic Culture Research (CDCR) has issued twenty-four volumes since its founding in 2001 and they focused on social and technical issues. It will continue to provide creative academic papers and reports and in addition, will add others representing the latest achievements in scientific, culinary, and other aspects of food culture research. Since this magazine began, it has been recognized as an important influential academic publication. Now it expands its focus to include all interested in the various culinary, academic, and scientific aspects of food.

As an international platform where food scholars can communicate freely, this magazine published more than five hundred academic papers and reports by authors in Japan, South Korea, USA, Singapore and other foreign countries, as well as those from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and from China's Mainland. Many world-renowned scholars and culinary professionals have supported its efforts and its development. With their help and the support of other enthusiastic people, this magazine achieved an international reputation and it plans to expand its focus.

It will be a Chinese National Academic Society level journal issued every odd-numbered month. Its intention, to strengthen ties with the food industry, academics, scholars and other interested parties worldwide welcoming ties with and submissions from academic scholars and all experts interested in fields of Chinese food culture, dietetics, culinary technology, and related fields. It will publish papers in the language submitted, with abstracts and keywords in Chinese, and henceforth, welcomes contributors from every national, racial, and ethnic population group.

Therefore, do send papers and other information for consideration to: zhaorongguang@hotmail.com and do ask this editor for any needed information or go to its web site: http://www.cdcra.cn With thanks from the Editorial Committee of CDCRA

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