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TOPICS INCLUDE: Kudos; Guizhou food; Fried milk; Amelia award picture; Fish paste

by Jacqueline M. Newman

Letters to the Editor

Winter Volume: 2010 Issue: 17(4) page(s): 9

From PHYLLIS via e-mail:
I always try at least one recipe from every issue of Flavor and Fortune, my favorite portable feast! And, thank you for reminding me to renew, check enclosed.
PHYLLIS: You are most welcome. Glad you read and taste each issue's treats; and that you signed up for another year with more of them. FYI, close to ninety percent of readers do renew, as you did.

From GENE in CA:
Responding to your call for more about Guizhou food. I once saw a cookbook (in Chinese and published by their government) circa 1970 with a Guizhou section with some simple recipes and others for game. A notable item was one for cooking a pangolin-–that weird animal that eats ants, is considered medicinal, and must have some powerful qi. As I recall, it stewed it with every strong-flavored ingredient in the Chinese repertoire.
GENE: Wonder is there a reader who can identify that book and can educate us all as to its title, exact date, even the recipe for pangolin and other foods from Guizhou?

From XIA XIA in Singapore:
Once read in your magazine something about fried milk. A friend said there is no such thing. Have a recipe to confirm my recollection?
XIA XIA: Love that dish, so sharing it made one of my favorite ways is a thanks from me to you and to all. Others had a similar request, did you put them up to it?

From LEONIA via e-mail:
Wish I would have known and then could have come to the awards ceremony at the Museum of Chinese in America. What did the award look like, and may we see a picture of you receiving it?
LEONIA: A picture is worth a thousand words, request granted!

From GRACE via e-mail:
Was in the meat section of my local Chinese supermarket, and noticed a pile of fish paste, and someone purchasing just a quarter of a pound. She did not speak English, so could not ask what she uses this small amount for. Any ideas?
GRACE: Try stuffing and steaming some small vegetables, okra works well, so do the small peppers I purchase in a wholesale club. Both are easy, quick, and tasty.

From LPJ via e-mail:
Thanks for the Winter 2008 issue, and do keep up the good work! I was fascinated by the Five Flavors Pork Roast recipe on page 12; but here is what I found: Double the quantity of peppercorns, and double the roasting time and/or increase the temperature; and maybe republish?
JPJ: Thanks for your suggestions, and we share them so readers can make their own decisions. Space is always a problem, so republishing not always an option, nor one now as republishing the article about fortune cookies in Japan takes precedence.
Fried Milk
8 egg whites
1 and 1/4 cups whole milk
1 teaspoon thin soy sauce
1 teaspoon potato starch (or cornstarch)
dash ground white pepper
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 cup crab meat, coarsely chopped
3 Tablespoons toasted pine nuts
1 Tablespoon Chinese ham, slivered
1. Beat egg whites lightly until the bubble, but not foam.
2. Add soy sauce, milk, starch, ground pepper, and sesame oil, and whisk again.
3. Heat wok, add vegetable oil and when it is hot, add egg white mixture and stir gently until just set, not dry. Then stir in the crab meat and pine nuts, and transfer to a pre-heated serving bowl. Sprinkle ham on top, and serve immediately.
Note: Sometimes this is served with or over one-half ounce of very thin fried rice noodles.
Stuffed Okra
10 fresh okras, cut in half the long way, seeds removed
1/4 pound fish paste
10 goji berries, cut in half
1/4 cup chicken stock
dash each of salt, ground white pepper, and sugar
1/2 teaspoon cornstarch
dash sesame oil
1. Fill okra (or another small vegetable) with the fish paste, and put half a goji berry cut the long way in the center of each of them.
2. Put them on a heat-proof plate, stuffed side up, and steam ver rapidly bing water for five minutes.
3. While they steam, mix chicken stock, ground white pepper, and sugar, the cornstarch, and the sesame oil and bring to the boil and stir until thickened.
4. Put steamed vegetables on a platter, pour the thickened hot chicken stock mixture over them and serve.

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