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Nutrient Analysis of Our Recipes

by Jacqueline M. Newman

About this magazine

Fall Volume: 1994 Issue: 1(1) page(s): 2

In Flavor and Fortune, in the beginning used nutrient analysis calculated using Nutritionist IV, v.3.0 © 1993, a product of N-Squared Computing, San Bruno California. p> We asked the Reader to be aware that:

Though it is a very sophisticated computer program, and is done by a Registered Dietitian with knowledge about Chinese foods, and is a fellow of the American College of Nutrition and a Certified Home Economist, we did indicate all analysis as

Approximate nutrient analysis because:

  • All analysis is made by individual raw ingredient
  • Not all Chinese foods have been analyzed
  • All nutrients within each food haven’t been analyzed
  • Nutrient analysis is not without its flaws
  • Considerable variation exists by brand or variety
  • The cost of actual recipe analysis is prohibitive

And, we did not analyze for optional ingredients. As time goes on, and there is web means of doing these alayses that remains current, we do plan to pahse this out and let readers do their own analyses.

The Editor

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