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Asia in New York City: A Cultural Travel Guideby: editors at The Asia Society
New York and Emeryville NY:
Balliett and Fitzgerald, and Avalon Travel Publishing 2000, $17.95, Paperback
ISBN: 1-56691-217-2
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2001 Issue: 8(2) page(s): 26
With contributions by experts in art, food, fashion, and other things Asian, this book fosters savvy understandings of places and peoples Asian. A cultural travel guide, it represents the more than one million Asians counted in 1998, and the many more who have arrived since. It points out a lot about food and drink and shows where and how Asian interests have gone mainstream. Read about the country's only authentic classical Chinese garden, in the borough of Staten Island. Discover Manhattan’s oldest dim sum eatery, the Nom Wah Tea Parlor, on Doyers Street. Let your mind row out to the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival on Meadow Lake in Flushing, Queens. Explore Asian produce in New York and the fact that it is grown on farms on Long Island and New Jersey. Mostly meander around Manhattan, Flushing, and Brooklyn where, outside of Asia, the largest population of Chinese-speaking people live. Should you plan a trip to what natives call 'The Big Apple,' truck along this three hundred page cultural heavyweight. Come soak up Asia in New York City or savor it by reading through these pages. To the lucky ones who live or visit, eat your way through Hong Kong, Sichuan, Shanghai, Fujian, Guangzhou, and other provincial foods of China and the rest of Asia in New York. Dig in and delight in dishes and destinations and you will not go hungry. Try their suggestions and some of the many others they fail to mention. Send them items for their next edition. Here is one: A six-stool Chinese winner at 118A Eldridge Street called Dumpling House. Order their five, yes we said five, Chive and Pork Fried Dumplings for a dollar. They are truly delicious as is the Vegetable and Pork Steamed Bun for fifty cents. Asia in New York City should not be missed, nor should these dumplings. This 'Asia' is the first in an intended series of guidebooks called Asia. There will be volumes about San Francisco and environs, Southern California, the Pacific Northwest, the South, Washington D.C., and the Midwest; perhaps others on the publishing horizon. We await them with keen anticipation.