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Yum Yum Dim Sum

by: Amy Wilson Sanger

Berkeley CA: Tricycle Press 2003, $6.95, Hardbound
ISBN: 1-58246-108-2

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Winter Volume: 2003 Issue: 10(4) page(s): 28

Talented art makes you want to pick up the teapot, unfold the dumplings, and open the take-out box to check its contents. This is a tiny-tyke ten-thick-leaf book for young folk. Its purpose, to introduce them to dim sum. Adults might find the pictures unreal but two Chinese youngsters we read it to said, ‘we can not eat this food ‘cause it looks like paper but isn’t.' The kids loved it, their Chinese parents did not. But never mind, it is a kiddy book, and the moms and dads who were not Chinese were pleased, particularly with its rear cover. There, the author defines the term dim sum as ‘family-style Chinese teahouse food’ and inside she tells about ten of them.

This book is called a 'World Snacks Book' and we assume there are others featuring snacks from other cultures. Hope in those that have languages other than romance ones, they provide more accepted spellings. Bean curd in pinyin is written as doufu, not dau fu as this book says. It is a pity to write such a wonderful book for kids and then have their elder siblings and parents learn these incorrect transliterations.

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