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Taipei Best 100 Chinese Restaurants

by: John Isacs

Taipei Taiwan: Enjoy, Inc. and www.spp.com.tw, 2003, $25.00, Paperback
ISBN: 957-10-2709-X

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Fall Volume: 2003 Issue: 10(4) page(s): 28 and 29

This guide's author has a team of six advisors, all said to be gourmets with varying credentials. One is a radio and TV hostess, three own businesses with one a restauranteur, and two are journalists, one a senior reporter and gourmet columnist.

Every one of the one hundred are evaluated for food, service, and ambiance. Top numbers gets them a place in the 'Top Overall Rating' group. There are eighteen other groupings that begin with Best of: 'Food, Service, Ambiance, Cantonese, Jianzhe & Shanghai, Szechuan, Taiwanese, Beijing, Hunan, Other Chinese, Romantic, Value, Wine Selection, for BYOB, People Watching, Safest for Foreign Visitors, Hotel Restaurants, and Late Night Dining.'

Each eatery is reported about in Chinese and English, has its own rating for food, service, and ambiance, and has a map, address, telephone number, average cost per person, business hours, credit cards accepted, if there is a corkage fee, and if they provide valet parking.

John Isacs’ father, Herman III, was a well-known gourmand in the United States and Europe that taught his son well. John has traveled to more than seventy-five countries and is president of Enjoy Inc., a leading digital gourmet media company. He provides consulting services to many international corporations, and he appears on radio and TV where he discusses food and wine. For those going to Taiwan, this book is a must.

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