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Simply Ming

by: Ming Tsai
Boehm, Arthur

Clarkson Potter 2003, Hardbound

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Spring Volume: 2004 Issue: 11(2) page(s): 19

Some shorter reviews, a reader idea, to recommend for reading or cooking. Included is this East meets West in ever so many meals. Do not miss Simply Ming by Ming Tsai and Arthur Boehm. Clarkson Potter it he publisher of this 2003 volume. Alan Richardson’s mouth-watering photographs of Ming Tsai’s delicious recipes jump off the pages be they ordinary dishes or flavored oils and sauces, dressings, dipping sauces, marinades, rubs, or coatings, around which this book is written. They make all dishes taste better and make the book a must for every Asian cook. If you enjoyed their first book, Blue Ginger, or know Ming Tsai from his restaurant of that name in Wellesley Massachusetts, or from his East Meets West television show on the food network for which he won an Emmy, you need to get this book and begin to taste his culinary genius in every dish you make. It has added a new dimension to our lives. In it are the Five-Spice Chili Tea Rub and the Spicy Mango Salsa, two recipes among many in it we will never do without.
Five-spice Chili Tea Rub
3 cups lapsang souchong tea leaves
1/2 cup sea salt or kosher salt
1/2 cup red pepper flakes
1/2 cup chipolte chili powder
1/2 cup garlic powder
1/4 cup cayenne powder
1/4 cup dried chives or onions
1/4 cup five-price powder
1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Set aside all not used for a specific recipe by storing it in a glass jar in a cool dark place.
Note 1: We used plain chili powder as a substitute.
Note 2: Chef Tsai rubs this on steaks, wraps them in plastic wrap for fifteen minutes before grilling them or pan-frying them in a bit of oil to grease the pan.

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