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Feast of MyLife

by: Kenneth Lo

London UK: Doubleday 1993, Hardbound

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2004 Issue: 11(2) page(s): 19

Another short review of a book by a dearly departed. It is Kenneth Lo's The Feast of My Life. Published by Doubleday, London, in 1993, we just found our copy on the web. This delightful read is about a very remarkable gentleman. He wrote dozens of cookbooks, opened a very successful Chinese restaurant in London called 'Memories of China,' to be reviewed in a future issue, ran a Chinese cooking school, was often on radio and TV, contracted and had Chinese frozen foods manufactured and sold in his adopted country, England, was consultant to many food companies. He also played a mean game of tennis, and was someone with infectious enthusiasm for life. It permeates every page of this, his autobiography. He packed a lot into his eighty-plus years, many spent with his wife Anne Brown, his four children and eight grandchildren. What fun to catch his enthusiasm for life and Chinese food in this wonderful volume.

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