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Seafood of Southeast Asiaby: Alan Davidson
Berkeley CA:
Ten Speed Press 2003, Paperback
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2004 Issue: 11(2) page(s): 19
Another shortened review, this one with no species names in Chinese, which we wish it did have. This Seafood of South-East Asia by Alan Davidson is a second edition, and in paperback. It deserves a place on your book shelf and has one on ours. There are one hundred fifty-plus recipes, many from Hong Kong and China; and many are very good. There is also excellent fish, crustacean, and mollusk information. In China, fish is a symbol of prosperity, also regeneration. Regenerate your love for and knowledge of these healthy underwater creatures. Davidson writes with wit and expresses his outstanding piscatorial scholarship. In that, he was among the world's best. Would that he were still alive to answer question we have posed and still have. |