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Eating Like Queensby: Suzanne Parker
Madison WI:
Jones Books 2005, $16.95, Paperback
ISBN: 976-3539-1-1
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2006 Issue: 13(2) page(s): 28 and 38
Coming to Queens? Here is a quick way to select from its many flavors. We are delighted to see a food book about this most ethnically diverse county in the United States. Having tried to convince publishers, even two county executives to sponsor such a volume, we had no problem figuring out why Parker needed to find a publisher two-thirds of the way across the country.
The restaurants are well selected; and you will be well-served eating at all of them. This New York City borough has so very many places to devour its fine food. Get started! We disagree with several culinary explanations, and page eighteen is a case in point. No Suzanne, the Chinese thousand year eggs are not boiled forever, they are preserved in lime, ash, mud, etc. Page fourteen speaks of 'Noodles Over the Bridge.' She explains this recipe's name never mentioning a bridge. She calls its intended recipient a farmer saying the dish is brought to him in the field. Read page six in this issue and learn more accurate information about the recipe's intended recipient who is studying for Imperial examinations. Another technical error, Tangra Masala, one of our favorite Chinese Indian restaurants, is not 'the original spot for Indian Chinese' in Queens. That honor belongs to its neighbor across the street and down the block. Do not let the small errors stop your acquiring this book; and do eat from its suggestions. Allow it to guide you to the many flavors that are Queens. You will be glad you did!