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Cuisine and Cultureby: Linda Civitello
New York NY:
Wiley 2004, Hardbound
ISBN: 0-471-20280-0
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Fall Volume: 2006 Issue: 13(3) page(s): 38
This volume by Civitello, is the rare book on food and culture that includes more than a scant mention or two about Chinese food. It is less Euro-centered than most, and it does illuminate how history shapes diet. It has a fine index and includes more than sixty citations about Chinese food. About half more detail those relating to India, etc. It is a fine 'history of food and people,' and those five words are its subtitle. It does include a few recipes and menus, fewer b/w photographs and illustrations, and pages of citations for each and every chapter. There is a superb culinary bibliography in this important food resource; enjoy and do use it! |