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Eating and Healingby: Andrea Pieroni and Lisa Liemar Price, editors
New York NY:
Food Products Press 2006, $29.95, Paperback
ISBN: 1-560220983-7
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Winter Volume: 2006 Issue: 13(4) page(s): 27
An imprint of Hayworth Press, this book is subtitled: Traditional Food as Medicine. Its sixteen essays are chapters by assorted authors. An introduction by the editors is primarily by continent. The Asian intro, and the others abstract the chapters. The first chapter is by Dr. Louis Grivetti who discusses his and students experiences with edible wild plants as food and medicine. It points out potential research areas. What follows is one by Patrick Owen about Tibetan foods and medicines. Only one chapter is specific to Chinese healing. It is not highlighted in the introduction. By four authors, Hassel, Hafner, Soberg, and Adelman, it looks at medicinal herbal quality in the United States and bridges perspectives with Chinese medical theory. This Chinese chapter clarifies problems of practitioners and introduces a few fundamental concepts of Chinese medicine. It discusses basic yin/yang, five flavor attributes, other sensory attributes, and some physiologic manifestations. After explaining the dilemma of integrating these divergent systems, a medicinal herbal network is described. All chapters have many references and those for the Chinese chapter are in and of themselves, a great library of Chinese herbal understandings.