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Distinctive Snacks of Hong Kong

by: Fan-Yuk Hui Chan

Hong Kong China: Wan Li Book Company 2006, Paperback
ISBN: 962-14-1518-7

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Spring Volume: 2007 Issue: 14(1) page(s): 19

This revised edition of Mrs. Hui's 1998 volume of the same name is a welcome reissue once out-of-print. Chinese snacks reflect many geographic regions and culinary styles, all are popular and fun to prepare, and all are available in Hong Kong.

This bi-lingual book includes seventy-nine different snacks in sections: Selective Oldies, Festival Specials, Nourishing Desserts, Deep-fried Snacks, and Savoury Snacks. Each has a large color photograph of its completed dish, and a practical tip. Most are easy to prepare, some are fried, others are beverages. Many are well-known as are the Moon Cakes. Others and less well-known such as the Chicken Rolls. One unusual recipe is Spicy Bean Curd. This tasty treat is deep-fried until a hard crust is formed. This small trick allows its sitting a minute or two until people are ready to devour it.
Spicy Bean Curd
4 firm bean curd (one pound)
1 teaspoon spicy salt (salt mixed with ground Sichuan pepper)
4 ounces self-raising flour
2 cups vegetable oil
1 scallion, minced fine
1 chili pepper, seeded and minced fine
1/2 teaspoon salt
1. Quarter the bean curd and toss each piece with the spicy salt.
2. Make a batter with the flour and seven ounces of ice water. Mix gently until well blended and set aside for twenty minutes.
3. Heat oil then drain about half the bean curd and toss them with half the scallion and chili pieces. Quickly dip them into the batter, let excess drain off, and deep-fry them in hot oil until golden brown stirring often. Drain on paper towels and set them on a pre-heated plate. Repeat with the remaining ingredients. Serve.

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