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Consumer’s Guide to Dietary Supplements and Alternative Medicinesby: Marvin W. Davis
Binghamton NY:
Pharmaceutical Products Press(an imprint of Hayworth) 2006, Hardbound
ISBN: 0-7890-3041-1
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2007 Issue: 14(2) page(s): 23
Room for two books on the herbal/medicinal/supplements shelf? Add this one, it is very valuable. Loaded with clear understandings, it has scientific, up-to-date, and accurate information. It is well-referenced, too, and discusses common myths and misconceptions about dietary supplements and alternative medicines. We strongly suggest that it sit side by side with the Lu volume. You will need little else. Some call this: 'the best book ever' and we do not quibble. It includes benefits and hazards of vitamins and supplements, discusses new biochemicals such as choline derivatives, and it is easy to read and is understandable. It discusses benefits and hazards, has a historical perspective, and it exposes lots of non-factual information out there. Professor Davis passed away before the final editing; others proofed and updated items as needed. They helped make this five hundred plus paginated volume a wealth of scientific principles. It discusses facts and fantasies, and it speaks about magic, myth, and misconceptions. The book ends with the spiritual aspects of healing, and before that, accreditation, validation, standardization, assimilation, and also attrition of many herbals and supplements. The section that includes 'buyer beware' is but two or three pages long but it is worth the price of the book. |