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Not Just a Food Guide: Shanghai

by: Eagen, Angie; Tulloch, Justina; and Hu, Mabel

Singapore : Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) 2006, Paperback
ISBN: 981-232-924-2

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Fall Volume: 2007 Issue: 14(3) page(s): 27

This is one in a series of books introducing readers to the culinary delights of sophisticated and cosmopolitan Shanghai. It introduces and describes food, dining, customs, and culinary phrases. All can and do enhance a visit anywhere; this one has lots of what, where, and when to eat various kinds of Chinese and other Asian foods. It also has a few bits about American and European food in Shanghai.

The book discusses Chinese foods by four compass points, looks at Chinese food across The Straits, foods of the Silk Road, other Chinese culinary issues including snack foods, eating vegetarian, other Asian foods, and some foods international. It also has some information about foods for special occasions, and it names dishes and food items, delightful places to dine, and more. After all of these, there is an index by restaurant name, district, metro station, and local food items.

With maps, color photographs of dishes, their names in transliterated Chinese, tips, practicalities such as price categories, hours the places are open, address, telephone, and credit card acceptance, and those index items, we suggest you not go to Shanghai without it! And, for those not planning a trip, this pocket-size paperback is an education about the foods of and the places in Shanghai. Furthermore, these represent foods from all over China, which means reading and learning from this two hundred fifty page guide is an education in and of itself. And one last thing, though there are no recipes per se, each described dish discusses its contents, but not its amounts, so knowledgeable creative folk could take a stab as cooking from it.

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