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Best Restaurants 2007

Hong Kong China: Shanghai Tattler and Edipress Hong Kong Ltd. 2006, Hardbound
ISBN: 962-7093-15-7

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2008 Issue: 15(2) page(s): 26

Touting the top one hundred fifty restaurants in Shanghai, with easy to use maps, and some dining trends and tips, this and the Berlitz volume reviewed in this issue were everything needed, along with the article we had just written for Flavor and Fortune, about Shanghai.

Intended for what they refer to as 'the global gastronome,' readers have told the Shanghai Tatler about more than a thousand restaurants and they culled this input and with some advertisements, this book provides important information.

Every restaurant gets a full page with name in English and Chinese, and address and phone in both languages. Setting, service, food, wine, and price are discussed in paragraphs. A number-rating is given for food, wine, and service, its location on a particular map is identified, and one or two word answers to the following follows: Reservations, dress code, lunch and dinner hours, menu type, vegetarian dishes, availability of free water, msg use, non-smoking sections, valet service a car, credit cards accepted, the year the eatery was established; and also a box listing a few signature dishes.

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