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Tasty Dishes for Queenie

by: Queenie han

Hong Kong China: Wan Li Book Company 2008, $68.00, Hardbound
ISBN: 978-962-14-3697-9

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Winter Volume: 2008 Issue: 15(4) page(s): 22 and 23

A supporter and medical doctor says Chan Lei-Man, her Chinese name, can combine clinical results and experiences of Chinese women and Western medicines for her readers. The author says to have a healthy body, beautiful skin, and a fine quality of life you need to cook whenever you have the interest and that you should exchange delicacies with bliss. We say, if you believe the Chinese mind-set, that food should not only taste delicious but also improve mind and body, you will love this book even though it offers no understandings as to why some recipes are called 'masks.'

The recipes sound great, and they are to savor internally, for sure. There is Cold Pear and Apple in Wine; Boiled Turnip Shreds with Beancurd; Steamed Chicken and Brown Rice with Lotus Leaf, and so many more. Relish them all. As to the 'masks,' we found Avocado and Cucumber Mask, Tomato Mask, a Juice Mask, even a Curry Pumpkin and Potato Mask; and we only used them for dinner.

Queenie writes that pumpkin not only improves skin texture, it also retards aging, removes toxins, and prevents cancers. Besides, she says, pumpkin can be used externally to remove inflamation. Maybe leftovers can, if there are any, but we had none and only ate those recipes.
Curry Pumpkin and Potato
1 pound Chinese pumpkin, peeled and cut into two-inch squares
1 large potato, peeled and cut into two-inch squares
1/8 head cabbage, cut into two-inch squares
1/4 onion, shredded
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon minces shallot
1 Tablespoon curry powder
1/4 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon fish sauce
2 Tablespoons coconut milk
5 dried prunes
1. Put pumpkin, potato, cabbage and onion into a large bowl, and set aside.
2. Heat wok or fry pan, add oil, and stir-fry minced garlic and shallot for one minute. Then add pumpkin mixture, and continue to stir-fry for three or four minutes.
3. Add curry and chili powders and continuing to stir-fry for another minute; then add half cup of water, and simmer for twenty minutes.
4. Add fish sauce, coconut milk, and the prunes, and boil for two minutes, then serve.

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