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Lifestyle in China

by: Gong Wen

Beijing China: China Intercontinental Press 2007, Hardbound
ISBN: 978-7-5085-1102-3

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Winter Volume: 2008 Issue: 15(4) page(s): 25

One of the 'Journey into China' series, translated by Li Ziliang, Zhao Feifei, and Li Zhaoguo, this volume is infused with people, places, and things Chinese. There is lots of food culture detailed including food and philosophy. While there are no recipes, there are forty-eight chapters and section headings, most about a food or a recipe, China's tea, its wine, and its food history.

The five sections follow the introductory one with no chapter sub-headings is called: The Real Lives of the Chinese People. Those with chapter subheadings are titled: Paradise for Food Lovers, Fragrance and Delightful Taste of Tea, Drink and Wine Culture, Entertainment, and Health Cultivation. Every one has many color photographs to enhance its words about tasty treats.

The content is from all over China, and all is about folks and food. Festivals, dishes, ducks, and dumplings start things off. Dough and noodle dishes from breakfast to nightfall are explored. So are crabs, charms, beverage cultures, and other cherished things. These and many foods in several dynasties are important lifestyle topics. They are in very short segments, some getting only three pages of attention. Though short, they are all worth reading about. Many will be springboards for further investigation; all warranted atop their short but strong beginnings.

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