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Edible Auklandby: Jennifer Yee
Aukland New Zealand:
Renaissance Publishing 2007, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9582635-3-5
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Winter Volume: 2008 Issue: 15(4) page(s): 25 and 26
Subtitled: Foodie adventures from Pokeno to Mangawha, this book is divided into eight regions and provides information about their general markets, butchers, tofu shops, fruiterers, bakeries, cafés, delis and other delicious places one would want to know about to purchase and indulge in any number of fine foods and drinks in this New Zealand city. Us the book and food and wine lovers can know about, go to, farmers, fruitiers, fish mongers, meat market moguls, and other speciality shop owners and what they have for sale. This wonderful volume satisfies both curiosity and appetite be one a visitor or a resident in this upscale culinary destination. The book is of value for both tourist and local lover of good food alike. Each place listed in each of the regions provides its name, has an address with town, telephone, hours of operation, and fax, email, and web site. The latter is of special value these days as it makes possible what is getting more and more common every day, determining one's needs, matching them with what is available and where at any distance, then dialing for delivery. Many cities have these edible volumes, Jennifer Yee makes hers exciting and as the rear cover says, it is 'glovebox sized....(and an) essential reference." We agree. The places are easy to find, listed region by region, and again alphabetical in a comprehensive index. One would expect nothing less from the author of Discovering Asian Ingredients which was reviewed in Flavor and Fortune's Volume 8 (3) on pages 26 and 27.