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Restaurant Companion, Theby: Hope S. Warshaw
Chicago IL:
Surrey Books, Inc. 1995, $13.95, Paperback
ISBN: 0-940625-93-8
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Spring Volume: 2010 Issue: 17(1) page(s): 24
Not new, though it was to us, this nationally known dietitian counsels about techniques needed to eat healthfully in many cuisines, China's included. Lots of generic Asian eating advice and some twenty pages dedicated just to eating Chinese food at home or in restaurants. These are valuable words. This book has general and culturally specific ways to control calories, fat, sodium, and cholesterol, and how to handle eating at ethnic fast-food chains, at their salad bars, eating ethnic foods on airlines, and even at buffets. For those who watch what they eat and want to know how and why when doing so, and those who should, this resource is a welcome holiday and every day gift.