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Speak E-Z Chinese in Phonetic Englishby: Zhao Fang and Timothy Green
Fergis Falls MN:
Incite 2006, $11.95, Paperback
ISBN: 0-9771953-0-9
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Spring Volume: 2010 Issue: 17(1) page(s): 24
Exploring China and not going on tour, this book is a must. For others, us it to learn Mandarin. Say may wen tee or 'no problem' even if you already speak Chinese. This small volume will improve your pronunciation. Do get the free audio version–instructions as to how to do that are included. Every one of the fifteen chapters has things to learn. There is pronunciation, sample and simple sentences, grammar, common expressions, counting and currency, time and calendar, transportation and accommodation, food and drink, shopping, post, emergencies, even places to go and things to see. The authors say theirs is no comprehensive text. We say it is valuable to speak Chinese with a modest degree of fluency.