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Asian Dining Rulesby: Steven A. Shaw
New York NY:
William Morrow, an imprint of Harper Collins 2008, $15.95, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-06-125559-5
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Spring Volume: 2010 Issue: 17(1) page(s): 24 and 25
Want essential strategies when eating out in Chinese, Japanese, Southeast Asian, Korean, and Indian restaurants? This beyond-the-language-barrier book crosses that chasm. Read it before a foray into one of these Asian eateries, and as Martin Yan says: "With Asian Dining Rules under your belt, you will be ordering like a regular." Steven Shaw saye he hopes the book will forge beautiful friendships with owners and staff; we bet it can. Read about fortune cookies and powerball winnings, about why and when Chinese money pours into every American Chinatown when uncertainty rises such as before Hong Kong became part of China. Learn where to get four or five dumplings for a dollar, use the dim sum survival guide, and how to eat Chinese food with friends. There is much about Sichuan and Shanghai restaurant eating, the magazine called Asian Restaurant News, even a bit about one of our favorite Chinese restaurants, Wu Liang Ye. Read this guidebook before your next bite of any Asian food. Tote it and treat yourself, putting information under your belt, in your pocket or purse, and most importantly, load it into your brain!