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China: The Essential Guide to Customs and Cultureby: Kathy Flower
London UK:
Kuperard, an imprint of Bravo Ltd. 2003, $9.94, Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-8733-304-6
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Spring Volume: 2010 Issue: 17(1) page(s): 25
This volume in the 'Culture Smart' series is written by a radio and television producer. It deals with country, people, values, attitudes, religion, festivals, rituals, health and well-being, food and drink, and so much more. It ends with some useful vocabulary and items for further reading. We appreciate its three-page two-column index, one can use it to find things easily. So tote it along easily slipping it into your pocket or pocketbook, read it before going, and tap into it often. You will find the knowledge about its essentials are just that, essential!