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Dim Sum, A Survival Guideby: Lisa Chu
Hong Kong China:
Blacksmith Books 2010, $9.94, Hardbound
ISBN: 978-988-17742-3-1
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Spring Volume: 2011 Issue: 18(1) page(s): 21
Look at all the super pictures of dim sum in this small one hundred eight-page volume. It is packed with more than look-see items. Check out the pages about the history of dim sum, about tea-drinking etiquette, what it is like inside a dim sum kitchen, about a dim sum master chef, some simple Cantonese phrases, and a fold-out front cover to be color-copied and taken with when going for dim sum. With it, you will be recognizing those in carts as they roll by, and if they do not, you can request them from the wait-staff. The book provides more than dim sum survival. It offers recognition, confidence, and the ability to request things. Each item shown has three comments that describe what a particular dim sum item tastes like and some variations of it. Not a one provides a recipe; hence none follow this review.