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New Beijing Cuisine

by: Jereme Leung

Singapore : Marshall Cavendish International 2010, Hardbound
ISBN: 978-981-261-659-3

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Spring Volume: 2012 Issue: 19(1) page(s): 20

Written with Jarrett Wrisley and edited by Sylvy Soh, this second cookbook by this restauranteur-author has gorgeous color photographs by Charlie Xia. His first also pioneered modern Chinese cooking and was called New Shangha1 Cuisine: Bridging the Old and the New.

Most of the recipes are for the experienced. Others will be rewarded after considerable, albeit effort. A large number use more than a dozen ingredients, most easily available. One does need to implement many steps preparing them but efforts will be rewarded. Those we made were winners.

One of the easier ones with only fourteen ingredients is below. It is with the book's four steps, as given in its preparation. Read it and any of Leung's recipes carefully and often. Each step in its methodology can have several things to do. Rich rewards are yours if they are followed.
Twice Cooked Spare Ribs w/Fresh and Roasted Garlic
26 ounces basic stock (made using one hen and pork bones, both simmered for six hours)
1 and 1/4 pounds pork spare ribs
11 ounces garlic, peeled and chopped
salt to taste
1 cup vegetable oil
5 and 1/3 ounces shallots, chopped
5 Tablespoons spicy bean paste
1 teaspoon Shaoxing wine
1 teaspoon thin soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon oyster sauce
3 dried red chilies, cut in 1/4 inch lengths
1 teaspoon black bean sauce
1/4 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1. Mix reduced stock, which should be about two and a half cups, and add ribs, salt to taste, and half of the garlic. Reduce heat to low and let this cook for one hour or until the ribs are tender. Drain the ribs and set aside.
2. Heat oil in a wok or fry pan. Fry shallots and remaining garlic until crispy and set aside. In the same oil, fry the ribs until golden brown. Remove ribs and set them aside. Strain and reserve the oil.
3. Reheat reserved oil and saute one tablespoon of the bean paste until fragrant. Add remaining stock and cooking wine and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low, add deep-fried ribs, salt, soy sauce, and oyster sauce. Cook until seasoning is evenly absorbed, with little remaining sauce in the wok. Transfer the ribs to a serving plate.
4. In a clean wok, saute dried chilies, black bean sauce, and the remaining bean paste until fragrant. Add sesame seeds, bell pepper, fried shallots and garlic and saute continuously until well mixed. Spoon mixture over the ribs and serve immediately.

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