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Chinese Culinary Culture

by: Du Fuxiang and Li Xiaoqing

Beijing China: China Travel and Tourism Press 2010, $96.00, Paperback
ISBN: 978-7-5032-3694-5

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2012 Issue: 19(2) page(s): 22

Found at an airport kiosk awaiting engine repairs on the second leg of flights from Hangzhou to JFK, this between-flight find talks about Chinese culinary culture and its schools of cookery. The authors begin with a two-page preface, and then offer three others introducing the formation of local culinary schools. After them, twenty-six chapters detail that number of cuisines in random order. Each one is in three parts including: The formation and characteristics of the particular cuisine; Famous dishes from and a listing of the main cities, also their minorities; and An interesting story of some dishes and/or their snacks.

Each one is but three to five pages long with accurate information, interesting, valuable, and special. In them one learns about, sees, and savors its particular cuisine. Every dish mentions its name in English and Chinese, a caption under every color photograph does too.

The book's intent is to help foreign friends see and taste typical dishes and understand China's culinary culture. It serves as a guide to dishes and snacks. The first author did publish fifteen books and participate in thirty others including his Encyclopedia of Chinese Food, Famous Restaurants of China, Eating and Drinking, and other volumes. He is now compiling one titled Encyclopedia of Chinese Health-care's Edible Wild Plants. Would that every one of his volumes were translated into English. his very one was by Kuang Peihua, Wang Fang, and Li Zhengye.

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