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Ying's Best One-dish Meals.

by: Ying Chang Compestine

South Portland ME: Sellers Publishing Inc. 2011, $18.95, Hardbound
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0643-9

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2013 Issue: 20(2) page(s): 18 and 19

Satisfying soups, stews, stir-fry dishes, salads, and desserts are in chapters called: Meals in a Wok; Meals in a Pot; Meals in a Hurry; Global Inspiration; and Desserts in a Flash. Most are healthy, most are Chinese, and most are quick. This award-winning recipe developer and cookbook author delights children and adults with her tales. In this volume, she also delights them with her tastes.

Before them, tips are for meal planning, shopping, and cooking, so is a good grain-cooking guide. All are clear, useful, and loaded with organizational and plan ahead ideas.

Every recipe has a paragraph before the ingredient list and the method about its health information. There are five nutrients reported for each one of them including calories, protein fat, carbohydrates, and fiber. The texture of the one below is a winner. To make it is a snap, to eat it a delight.
Black Rice with Cranberries, Carrots, and Ginger
3 Tablespoons olive oil
2 Tablespoons finely minced fresh ginger
1 cup diced oyster or shiitake mushrooms
3 medium carrots, cut into one-quarter-inch cubes
½ cup minced onion
2 celery stalks, cut into one-quarter-inch cubes
salt and pepper to taste
3 cups cook black rice
1 cup fresh orange juice
1 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup toasted nuts (optional)
1. In large frypan or wok, heat oil swirling to coat the pan, Add ginger and cook until fragrant, about half minute, then add the mushrooms and saute for one minute before adding the carrots, onion, and celery. Season this with salt and pepper, and stir-fry until the vegetables are tender, about five minutes.
2. Stir in cooked black rice, orange juice, and cranberries and toss to mix well.
3. Pour this into a 9x13inch baking dish, cover loosely with foil, and bake until heated through and the liquid evaporates, about thirty minutes. Garnish with nuts, if desired, and serve.

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