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Ching's Everyday Easy Chineseby: Ching-He Huang
New York NY:
William Morrow, an imprint of Harper Collins 2011, $27.50, Hardbound
ISBN: 978-0-06-207749-3
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Fall Volume: 2013 Issue: 20(3) page(s): 20
This book, published in 2011 by HarperCollins UK has another title; namely Ching's Fast Food. A book with two names may sell a few more copies, but it angers purchasers on the web or in print. We bring it to your attention so you do not but into this tomfoolery. We suggest that all authors tell their publishers/web sites to refrain from this deceitful practice. If the title page would say in bold: "originally published as....." then it would be easy to refuse purchasing this re-used material. |