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Food Studiesby: Miller, Jeff and Deutsch Jonathon
New York NY:
Oxford Press 2009, Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-85420-681-9
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Winter Volume: 2013 Issue: 20(4) page(s): 15
Awaited its arrival anxiously. But this book, subtitled: An Introduction to Research Methods, was somewhat disappointing. Why, because no method is seriously delineated. yet it does take the position it is an overview of the field, which it sees as 'four methodological baskets.' One great section is the first half of one chapter about research ethics. Missing are things ethnic. Also in short supply, technology tools.
Granted, this is not an easy subject to explain. However, why no good discussion about stating the problem? There is a place to write in one's own research topic, but with little direction. With mo mention of ethnic differences, do the authors really think all people are alike and should continue to be grouped as one? Did love the eight-plus page bibliography. We do suggest using this as a jumping off point for initial literature searching. But, it is not where to learn how to research Chinese, other Asian, or any other ethnic population, or those of assorted ages; not even different population sets. There is one, yes just one paragraph about Asians in a study done in Taiwan. Though the general bibliography is good, do check out other resources, particularly if doing Masters or PhD research. |