The Silk Route by John Majorby: John S. Major
New York NY:
Harper Collins Publishers 1995, $5.95, Hardbound
ISBN: 0-06-443468-0
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Winter Volume: 2015 Issue: 22(4) page(s): 24
The production of silk thousands of years ago was considered a symbol of wealth and luxury; and it was one of China’s most prized secrets. This book is intended for children ages eight to ten but worth reading by folks of all ages. Kirkuus Reviews says it is a trip worth taking, and we say to read it to those a mite younger and to leave it on your coffee table for those older. All can read and enjoy it. Extensively illustrated by Stephen Fieser, the cover says it is ‘7,000 Miles of History.’ We say it is a lively look at both Chinese and Persian cultures. The School Library Journal tells us as does the American Bookseller to pick this route and explore these two cultures, the world’s greatest empires brought together by the Silk Route. Learn about the mulberry groves of China and the marketplaces in the Byzantium Empire. Read about many of the channels of commerce between east and west. Learn that silk was one of the most sought-after Chinese material in the world; and learn how it made it to the rest of the world. This book originally sold for $5.95US$; now it is available on the web, we bought ours for less, and we recommend you locate a copy, and read and enjoy it. Extensively illustrated by Stephen Fieser, the cover says: It is 7.000 Miles of History, while we say t is a lively look at both Chinese and Persian cultures. The School Library Journal tell us as does the American Bookseller. to pickup this route and explore these two cultures. They were the world's greatest empires brought together by the Silk Route. Learn about the mulberry groves of China and the marketplaces of the Byzantium Empire. Read about many of the channels of commerce between east and west. Learn that silk was one of the most sought-after Chinese material in the world; and learn how it made it to the rest of the world. This book did sell for $5.95 US, and is now available on the web; we bought ours for lots less. We recommend that you locate a copy and read it. There are many other fine books about the Silk Route, some more accurate or informational than others.