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China Tea Book, The (by Jailin Luo)by: Jailin Luo
San Rafael CA:
Earth Aware Editions 2012, $45.00, Hardbound
ISBN: 978-1-60887-156-8
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2015 Issue: 22(2) page(s): 19
This book is not a cookbook; it has no recipes. What it does do is chronicle the more than five thousand years of tea history in China. Also included, a short section about the Japanese Tea Ceremony, and another short one titled: the Ancient Tea Route. Both are in Part II. Part I, simply titled: Tea, has five chapters. The first is called: Overview, the other four titled: Green Tea, Oolong Tea, Black Tea, and Pu-erh Tea. This volume has no recipes but it does include gorgeous color photographs by Ms. Han Zheng. it is an imprint of Insight Editions and was originally published in London by CYPI Press the same year as is this volume. The author, at the time of the printing of this edition, was a visiting scholar at the University of Lubljana in Slovenia. Before going there, he won certification as a ‘tea-making master’ at the Taiwan Luyu Tea Culture Institute. The book advises he now lives in Beijing. The pictures are spectacular and are from tea terraces, tea gardens, tea leaves, tea packaging, brewing tea, tea pots, and so much more.