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Wok Wisely

by: Dharma Realm Cookbook Team of Taiwan

Ukiah CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society 2015, Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-60193075-7

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Summer Volume: 2016 Issue: 23(2)

This book has sixty-six recipes written in standard style with a monastery approach to food and spiritual well-being. It offers variety along with peace of mind and body, it nurtures spiritual and physical well-being through practical, responsible, and healthy approaches to a vegetarian diet; and many fulfill them all.

The six recipe chapters include: Four Variations of Vegetable Broths, Tofu Pouches, Wheat Gluten, Bean Sprouts, and More; Appetizers and Condiments; Easy Side Dishes; Main Dishes; Heartwarming Soups; Noodles. All recipes are easy to follow and are vegetarian approaches to healthy eating. The color photographs will guide you on your way.

The book begins with dietary information for vegetarians, then shares where to buy Chinese ingredients, how to offer wholesomeness in your cooking and in using your cookware, and it tells you how to eat well.

After the recipes, read about household cleaners, differences between killing vegetables and animals, Chinese traditions that support and protect life, and the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association.

This book ends with works cited, reliable web sites, and branches of the association world-wide helping you use their ancient healing wisdom, nutrition facts, guidelines for vegetarian children, seasonal looks at the five elements in cooking; and their Buddhist associations at: www.drba.org
Tofu with Red and Green Peppers
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon fresh ginger, grated
½ cup fermented black beans, rinsed and drained
10 ounces pressed tofu, shredded or cubed
1 cup green and red bell peppers, seeded and cut one-quarter-inch wide, each, angle cut to two
½ red chili pepper, seeded and cut tin
1 Tablespoon dark soy sauce
1. Heat wok or fry pan, add oil, then the ginger, and stir-fry up to two minutes. Then add the black beans and fry for one more minute.
2. Next, add tofu and bell peppers, and stir-fry two minutes more until almost done. Next, add chili pepper and the soy sauce; toss briefly, then serve.

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