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Feng Shui Kitchen, Theby: Kam Chuen & Lam, Kai Sin Lam
Boston MA:
Journey Editions 2000, $17.95, Paperback
ISBN: 1-885293-93-4
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Winter Volume: 2000 Issue: 7(4) page(s): 20
The authors of this Feng Shui Handbook write it to allow transformation of your kitchen into a healthy balanced center of daily activity, a place with the ability to transform your food into healthful things to eat. Read it and enjoy its promise of a philosopher's guide to cooking and eating, as well as what to do so with energies of home, food, other feng shui essentials, and how to prepare equipment and pantry. After this, there are thirty-two recipes in seasonal chapters staring with Spring. Most are for Chinese food, though French Toast does sneak in. Many offer variations, all are simple, and the recipes themselves easy to prepare. This book touts use of fresh ingredients even though the Chicken and Corn Soup says to use fresh, frozen, or canned corn. Overall, the volume deals with a person's inner sense, energy cycles, kitchen positions, and related topics. There are some pages about a few medicinal foods including: onion, ginger, ginseng, garlic, carrot, and spinach; and then there are the aforementione recipes. Believers in feng shui will learn applications in kitchen and mind, those unfamiliar will find this book a good place to start their education.