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Ming's Great Chinese Recipies Cookbook

by: Water Anderson

Middleton DE: TheCookbookKing.com 2016, $14.95, Hardbound
ISBN: 978-1-516890-9

Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Spring Volume: 2017 Issue: 24(1) page(s): 21

This BTAB edition has one hundred twenty-six recipes and until the last page even there it never says who Ming is. If one goes to the recommended website, one does learn that Water Anderson has dozens of other cookbooks, not that he is Ming.

In this book, the recipes list ingredients, preparations are a single paragraph. This book has one single color photograph, it is on the cover. The recipes are listed in page order on the first five pages, the book ends with half-page about the book’s author with little information about him or his books or even who Ming is.

Chinese New Year Turnip Cake
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
8 ounces Chinese dried mushrooms, soaked overnight
1/3 cup dried shrimp, soaked overnight, then drained
1 pound pork sausage, sliced
1 tablespoon vegetable oil2 slices fresh ginger root
3 turnips, shredded
1½ teaspoons Chinese five-spice powder
2 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon chicken bouillon granules
1 Tablespoon ground white pepper
2/3 pound white rice flour

Heat oil in a wok or large skillet over high heat. Add mushrooms, shrimp. And sausages and saute for half minute, then remove and set aside. Add ginger and saute a bit, add shredded turnips and stir-fry three minutes, then add five-spice powder, salt, chicken bouillon and white pepper and toss until evenly distributed, Extract ginger sliced, turn off the heat, top the mixture with rice flour and use chopsticks to mix in evenly. Add reserved sausage mixture, and toss, then put in a 9x2 inch deep round pan. Place this on a wire rack over boiling water and steam for 45 minutes. Then serve or place in the refrigerator covered with plastic wrap.

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