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Food in Shanghaiby: Naili Wang Xiande, Chen
Shanghai China:
Jiao Tong University Press 2010, $39.00, Paperback
ISBN: 978-7-313-06378-6
Reviewed by: Jacqueline M. Newman
Fall Volume: 2017 Issue: 24(3) page(s): 21
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Not a cookbook,
this volume has no recipes. It is a volume in the ‘You
are Welcome to Shanghai’ series; the other three are
titled: Entertainment in Shanghai, Tour in Shanghai,
and Lodgement in Shanghai. They were published
just prior to ‘Expo 2010’ in the vibrant East Coast city
hosting it. In five parts, it details eighteen items in the ‘Traditional
Chinese Restaurants’ chapter, five others in the one
titled ‘Well-known Specialty Restaurants,’ five others
in the ‘Elegant Western Restaurants’ chapter, thirteen
others in the ‘Trendy Dim Sums in Shanghai’ one, and
five more in
the ‘Unforgettable Traditional Shanghai
Each restaurant is thoroughly vetted with pages of
information, hours of operation, address and telephone
number, and background including when it started, and
many of its dishes described in detail. This thorough look at almost all of the many, many
places mentioned are worth knowing about. Read about
them, intellectually taste and delight in the dishes they
have. Get to know the foods, many are true gems. The
book is a joy to read and relish! |